About UC San Diego Department of Neurosciences
Message from the Chair

Welcome to the UC San Diego Department of Neurosciences. It is truly an honor to direct this unique department that spans translational neurosciences and the clinical practice of Adult and Child Neurology.
As we enter a new era of medicine, with the promise of delivering personalized therapies and new classes of therapeutic compounds targeting neuronal pathways, processes, and proteins, we must continue to narrow the gap between clinical neurology and basic neurosciences.
Our scientists and clinicians benefit from a departmental ethos and environment that fosters cross-disciplinary collaborative research, bringing a wide range of skillsets to the fight against neurological disease. We also benefit from being on a campus that houses the full breadth of academic endeavors. From ethics and diversity to computer sciences and engineering, our campus provides an ideal location for the cross-fertilization of ideas, setting the stage for disruptive innovation in science and medicine.
As you will see as you explore the website, the team of faculty and staff with whom I am privileged to work comprises a variety of brilliant, talented people. It will be no surprise that we are top-ranked in NIH funding amongst the nation's neurosciences departments. This team's product, however, extends beyond their remarkable research, and they also deliver world-class clinical care and educational excellence. In training the next generation of clinicians and scientists, the department offers a tremendous variety of educational seminars and experiences, which is in line with the strong commitment our faculty shares toward the education, mentorship, and career development of our trainees.
We hope you find our website informative and that it begins to convey the remarkably collegial intellectual playground that is UC San Diego Neurosciences- our place of pride, work, and fulfillment.
James Brewer, M.D., Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Neurosciences
Our Mission
To innovate and advance the science that guides us toward improved understanding of our nervous system and allows us to alleviate suffering of neurological disease.
Our Vision
We are a team of clinicians and scientists with shared commitment to neurosciences education and research. We seek to apply our discoveries toward development of transformative advancements in the care of those with neurological disorders.