UC San Diego Shiley-Marcos Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
Welcome from Dr. Brewer

Thank you for your commitment to our groundbreaking programs at the Shiley-Marcos Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. With the goal of eradicating Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders, we have been agile in developing new ways to advance our mission and share the impacts of our research. We are determined to sustain and enhance meaningful engagement throughout our diverse communities. In collaboration with local and national partners, we are forging ahead on transformative paths of discovery that will hasten our understanding of the disease, and we are developing new processes to deliver this understanding toward new therapeutics. I invite you to join us in our endeavors, and I thank you for your partnership. James Brewer, M.D., Ph.D., Director

Support Our Work
Your support allows for groundbreaking research dedicated to Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias to take place at an accelerated pace, helping scientists make the leap from bench to bedside, from laboratory to patient. Our donors enable us to offer Quality of Life Programs at no cost to the community!
Participate in a Study
We offer opportunities for volunteers to participate in important research studies. We are recruiting diverse volunteers on an ongoing basis to learn more about memory and aging.
For the Community
Stay Informed
We provide a multitude of resources for the community including free memory care screening services, educational resources & events, Youtube channel, and newsletters.
Get Support
We provide support groups and activity intervention programs to help cope with the changes associated with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
Programas de Español
Nuestro centro de investigación en el programa Hispano atiende a personas que padecen la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otros tipos de demencia afines a ésta.
Scientific Resources for Investigators
SMADRC Resources for Investigators
Find out about resources available through the SMADRC to support scientific investigators. Data, biomarker samples, tissue samples, ipsc samples, referral lists for clinical investigations, and scientific consultation are all available through our SMADRC infrastructure.
Training & Education
Discover more about our fellowship, mentorships and training opportunities available to junior investigators, graduates, undergraduates and promotores.
For Professionals & Trainees
Referrals & Other Resources
Find out how to refer a patient or discover more about resources available to professionals including CME and funding opportunities.
Training & Education
Discover more about our fellowship, mentorships and training opportunities available to junior investigators, graduates, undergraduates and promotores.
Contact us
Phone: (858) 822-4800
Email: participate@ucsd.edu
Address: 9444 Medical Center Dr., Suite 1-100 La Jolla, CA 92037