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Department of Neurosciences Department of Neurosciences

For the Community

The Shiley-Marcos ADRC team recognizes that coping with the changes associated with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias is an ongoing process that impacts the lives of the diagnosed individuals, their family members, and their relationships in the community. Adequate education about the disease process and sufficient knowledge of the multifaceted resources available to individuals and their family members is paramount to successful coping.


We have an extensive list of resources available to the community whether you would like to learn more about dementia or you are living with dementia. Our resources include a YouTube channel, educational resources, resources for caregivers and family members, as well as updated COVID-19 resources. We also offer memory screening services for older adults with memory concerns. 

Our Resources


We value community outreach and education. We also understand the importance of providing support to caregivers and our participants. We host a variety of professional development events, quality of life programs, support groups, and other community events. 

Our Events

Research Studies

The Shiley-Marcos Alzheimer's Disease Research Center has a wide variety of opportunities for volunteers to participate in important research studies designed to discover ways to prevent, treat, and ultimately eradicate Alzheimer's disease as well as other related neurological diseases. We are recruiting diverse volunteers on an ongoing basis to learn more about memory and aging.

Our Studies