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Department of Neurosciences Department of Neurosciences

Shiley-Marcos ADRC Community Resources

Our team recognizes that coping with the changes associated with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias is an ongoing process that impacts the lives of the diagnosed individuals, their family members, and their relationships in the community. Adequate education about the disease process and sufficient knowledge of the multifaceted resources available to individuals and their family members is paramount to successful coping.

Learn About Dementia

Educational Resources

Video Resources 

The UC San Diego Shiley-Marcos ADRC YouTube channel has a wealth of information available including videos & playlists dedicated to learning about diagnostic procedures, professional development series, and our brain blast series.

  • Virtual Brain Blast Series: The Brain Blast Series is a virtual educational playlist for the community to access from the convenience of their homes. Presenters are all Shiley-Marcos ADRC colleagues with expertise in brain aging research that focuses on prevention, detection, diagnosis, and treatment of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Each of the experts featured in the series studies a unique aspect of brain aging and has developed a brief overview of their current research to highlight the state-of-the-art science ongoing at UCSD. We hope you will take advantage of this free resource to learn more about advances in brain aging, the importance of research, and the multitude of opportunities to get involved and participate in research studies. Watch the Brain Blast Series on YouTube. 
  • UCTV Brain Channel Alzheimer's Research: The SMADRC worked with UCTV to create seven new episodes for the UC Department of Neurosciences' Brain Channel (founded by Dr. William C. Mobley), which specializes in episodes devoted to topics that help the viewer discover how the brain works, technologies to harness brain power, ways to treat disease and more. Watch the UCTV Brain Channel episodes on YouTube. 
  • National Institute on Aging's YouTube Playlist, 'Progress and Potential' video series

Reading Resources

Presentations to the Community

We have a well-rounded team of neurologists, social workers, psychometrists, physicians and gerontologists, who are well-versed to give presentations in the community targeting a wide range of audiences, including potential research participants, their family members, and community health care professionals, including physicians.

We welcome speaking invitations from members of the community and enjoy the opportunity to collaborate with our community partners. We will be happy to consider developing a talk to meet your needs.

If you would like to arrange for one of our speakers to give a presentation at your facility, please contact Christina Gigliotti, Ph.D. at


Living With Dementia

Patient & Family Resources

Compiled by Tracey Truscott LCSW and Susan Shepherd, LCSW, the Shiley-Marcos ADRC provides patient and family resources to consolidate and synthesize a great deal of information that can otherwise feel fragmented and overwhelming.


Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Resource Packet (PDF)






In addition, we recommend that you visit National Institute on Aging (NIA) AD and Related Dementias website. There you will find concise materials developed to provide a lay audience with factual, up to date information that can give an excellent overview on a wide array of topics.

Caregiver Resources

Information Packets


Engagement in meaningful activities is a critical component of quality of life. This is especially true for persons with dementia, as their opportunities for professional, social, and personal engagement become more limited with the cognitive and functional decline due to the disease process. Staying engaged in activities that support personhood, provide opportunities to exercise intact abilities, and engage in social experiences and reminiscence all support well-being. This can reduce anxiety and other feelings that result in behaviors that can be challenging for caregivers. Our social work team has gathered the following resources for caregivers that may be useful while spending more time at home.


Elder Care Resources

  • The County of San Diego Aging and Independent Services (AIS) provides services to older adults, people with disabilities and their family members, to help keep clients safely in their homes, promote healthy and vital living, and publicize positive contributions made by older adults and persons with disabilities. For more information call 800-510-2020.
  • The Elder Care Directory committed to helping seniors and elder care givers find the most appropriate elder care providers for their needs, find answers to their most pressing financial and legal concerns, and take advantage of the full range of government elder care programs and benefits. Offers "In Home" and "Residential" Elder Care and financial Assistance Programs".
  • San Diego OASIS is a unique educational program for mature adults who want to continue to learn and be productive during the best years of their lives. Membership is free and open to anyone 50 or older. Members receive a catalog of opportunities three times a year. It offers a broad range of stimulating educational classes - from the arts and humanities to wellness, fitness and travel.


COVID-19 Resources

Resources for Seniors and Families Living With ADRD

Our staff is telecommuting during this time, and we are hoping to use this opportunity to stay connected with our participants to check-in and provide resources and referrals as needed. Our social work team has worked with our community partners to develop resources to assist seniors during this unprecedented time. 

San Diego County Specific Resources

California Resources

Caregiving Resources

Educational Series

Community Resources