Giving Opportunities
At the Shiley-Marcos Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, doctors and scientists are dedicated to understanding the causes of Alzheimer's Disease, accurate diagnosis, and preventive measures including creating effective therapies, and ultimately curing this debilitating disease.
Our research efforts rely on grant funding from the National Institutes of Health and other sources. Donations help us to bolster this funding and to support critical aspects of our research and caring mission.
You Can Make a Difference
Your gift, large or small, will help us battle the disease through extensive research studies, clinical trials, and patient care. The Shiley-Marcos Alzheimer's Disease Research Center is experiencing an exciting and unprecedented new phase of rapid growth and discovery-and you can help us achieve our mission.
You can support research that has the potential to affect the lives of individuals around the world; create funding for programs that support the families of those with Alzheimer's; assist graduate students, residents and fellows as they study the disease; and provide funds for the center's greatest needs.
Support from donations enables groundbreaking research into Alzheimer's Disease to take place at an accelerated pace, helping scientists make the leap from bench to bedside, from laboratory to patients. Gifts of any size can make a great impact on the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, providing funding to support research into the causes of Alzheimer's and effective drugs to fight the disease, the purchase and upkeep of research equipment and supplies, and the management of clinical trials. Funds given to the center also support specialized family programs designed for those affected by the disease and their families and caregivers.
Each year, an 'Impact of your Giving' publication is generated, so you can learn more about the specific ways in which gifts to the SMADRC support critical programs, services, and research endeavors.
2024 Impact of Your Giving Publication (PDF).
2023 Impact of Your Giving Publication (PDF).
2022 Impact of Your Giving Publication (PDF).
2021 Impact of Your Giving Publication (PDF).
2020 Impact of Your Giving Publication (PDF).
To support research at the Shiley-Marcos ADRC (Fund #E2140), please visit the following giving link
To support Quality of Life Programs at the Shiley-Marcos ADRC (Fund #RN120), please visit the following giving link
Types of Gifts
- Outright gift (cash, check, or credit card)
- Endowed gift (lasts in perpetuity; minimums required)
- Appreciated securities
- Planned Gift through your will or estate
Ways You Can Donate
- Donate securely online by visiting Give to San Diego.
- Donate by check.
- Make the check payable to UC San Diego Foundation with a note in the memo that specifies that the gift is for the Shiley-Marcos Alzheimer's Disease Research Center
- Please include the Supplemental Donation Form (Google Doc)
- Mail the form and the check to:
- UC San Diego Foundation
9500 Gilman Drive #0940
La Jolla, CA 92093-0940
- UC San Diego Foundation
Contact Us
For gifts directed to a specific purpose, any questions, or to learn more on how you can support the Shiley-Marcos Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, please contact:
Emily Little, SMADRC Program Administrator and Program Director
For even more information on supporting the SMADRC, please contact Betsy Collins, Director of Development for Neuroscience and Aging Initiatives at or at (858) 349-0034.