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Department of Neurosciences Department of Neurosciences

Shiley-Marcos ADRC Quality of Life (QOL) Programs

The Shiley-Marcos ADRC team recognizes that coping with the changes associated with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias is an ongoing process that impacts the lives of the diagnosed inpiduals, their family members, and their relationships in the community. Adequate education about the disease process and sufficient knowledge of the multifaceted resources available to individuals and their family members is paramount to successful coping.

Activity Information

We offer the community an opportunity to be involved in a variety of QOL programs organized through our research center and partnering agencies. All programs are free-of-charge.


QOL flyer (PDF) summarizing all of the currently available QOL programs.

Available Quality of Life Programs

Memories at the Museum

About the Program

​Monthly docent-led tours of four Balboa Park Art Museums for persons with mild-to-moderate dementia and an accompanying care partner.


When:  Hybrid Offering!

Virtual tours will be offered on the first Tuesday every other month from 2-3 p.m. 

In-Person tours will be offered on the third Thursday designated months from 2-3 p.m.

No Cost Registration Required: 

Register on Eventbrite or contact the SMADRC at 858-822-4800

Learn More:

Read the San Diego Union Tribune article about the program. 

Read the Del Mar Times article about the virtual MATM program.

Musical Biographies

About the Program 

In this 6-session multisensorial workshop, participants and their care-partners will create an individualized music playlist, recount the memories it inspires, and create a memory book. This program is offered through a partnership between Villa Musica and the Shiley-Marcos Alzheimer's Disease Research Center. 



Musical Biographies sessions are offered in the Spring and Fall of each year.  

Pre-registration available for 2024 Dates:

Spring: 4/4/24 - 5/9/24

Fall: 10/3/24 - 11/7/24

No Cost Registration Required: 

Register on Eventbrite or contact the SMADRC at 858-822-4800

Learn More:

Read the Union Tribune article about Musical Biographies.

Watch a video about the program to learn more.


Reminiscence Gardening

About the Program

​This partnership with the San Diego Master Gardeners offers persons with cognitive decline and a care partner the opportunity to connect with others in a supportive environment while engaging with plant materials for sensory stimulation, reminiscence, and the opportunity to exercise intact abilities. 



November 14th, 2024 from 10-12


No Cost Registration Required: 

Contact the SMADRC at 858-822-4800 or