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Department of Neurosciences Department of Neurosciences

DIAD-Digital Detection of Social Isolation and Lonelineness Markers of Risk for Alzheimer's Disease

Study Name DIAD-Digital Detection of Social Isolation and Loneliness Markers of Risk for Alzheimer's Disease
PI Dr. Eric Granholm and Dr. Colin Depp
Required Diagnosis Normal Cognition
Age 65+
Length of participation and total number of study visits
2 study visits with 14 day period of completing mobile surveys
Lumbar Puncture required? TBD [Yes, for now but may be moving to plasma]
MRI required? No
Amyloid PET required? No
Tau PET required? No
Compensation amount Up to $195
Link to Brain Blast Video N/A
Link to Study Flyer/Additional Materials N/A
contact/RA name and email Kameron Sanders: