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Department of Neurosciences Department of Neurosciences

About Us

surgeons and their assistants in scrubs operating on a patient

UC San Diego Academic Program

Interventional Neurophysiology (IN) is an academic program within the UC San Diego School of Medicine with services offered at UC San Diego Thornton Pavillion and UC San Diego Medical Center (Hillcrest). Our goal is to link rapid, real-time detection of neurologic injury with timely clinical response in operating rooms and intensive care units.

Interventional Neurophysiology

Interventional neurophysiology is an emerging neurosciences subspecialty.

The goal is to provide rapid, real-time detection and clinical response for injuries to the nervous system. Interrogation of major nervous system pathways by electrical stimulation and/or passive recording allows for sophisticated monitoring of the nervous system.

Objective neurophysiologic methods of interrogating the nervous system are needed when patients are rendered unconscious due to brain injury or anesthesia. These patients often cannot be evaluated in any other way. Find out what tests are involved.

More Information

For background, refer to: Xuguang Liu and Alan Forster. Interventional Neurophysiology: A new frontier in investigation, treatment, and researchFrontiers in Bioscience 2008; 13:1691-1697.

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