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Department of Neurosciences Department of Neurosciences


The fellowship offers numerous didactic opportunities designed to enhance and supplement the clinical experience gained from the inpatient and outpatient settings. Our didactic schedule is a major highlight of the stroke fellowship program. Didactics range from resident-driven case conferences to fellow-driven case reviews and landmark clinical trial discussions, which provide more context into current stroke clinical practices. The following lists the various didactic sessions that exist for our fellows.

Clinical Didactics

Weekly Clinical Didactics

Stroke Morning Report: Every Monday (30 minutes duration)

Neurology residents on the inpatient Jacobs Medical Center rotation will pick a stroke-related case to review neurovascular anatomy and patient management with the stroke fellow and/or faculty. Fellows are responsible for leading discussions and explaining any clinical pearls related to the case being discussed.

Weekly Case Reviews: Every Thursday (1–1.5 hour duration)

Stroke code cases from the previous week are chosen by the fellows and discussed amongst the stroke team (faculty, fellows, nurse practitioners) that are felt to be clinically interesting or that have important learning points. Patient management, acute stroke decision-making process, and important neuroimaging is reviewed.

Fellowship Didactic Series: Every Thursday (1 hour duration)

Guest lecturers are scheduled throughout the year to provide formal didactics on various topics relating to vascular neurology. Lecturers include UCSD stroke faculty, UCSD faculty from other departments (neuroradiology, neurosurgery, cardiology, etc), and outside stroke faculty from other institutions. All topics and lectures are designed to gain an expert look on important topics in vascular neurology.

Neurosciences Grand Rounds: Every Friday (1 hour duration)

Guest speakers provide formal lectures on a variety of topics pertaining to the basic and clinical neurosciences. Both stroke faculty and fellows are present for these lectures.

Bi-Weekly Clinical Didactics

Landmark Clinical Trial Mentorship: 1st and 3rd Fridays (1-hour duration)

Landmark stroke literature is discussed between the fellows and a rotating stroke faculty mentor to gain behind-the-scenes insight into trials that have had a major impact on stroke management. These informal discussions provide excellent context of current stroke management within the inpatient and outpatient settings.

Monthly Clinical Didactics

Fellowship Board Series: 2nd Fridays (1 hour duration)

Fellows prepare formal presentations on assigned topics relating to vascular neurology that are geared towards preparation for the vascular neurology board examination. Stroke faculty are present during these sessions to provide feedback on presentation skills, content, and to supplement further understanding of the topic presented. Each fellow prepares three presentations for the year.

Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Board Review: 2nd Fridays (1 hour duration)

Relevant multiple choice questions will be selected by the fellowship program director in advance and then reviewed with the fellows in detail. Fellows will engage in active discussion revolved around the questions selected. This session is meant to supplement the fellows' preparation for the vascular neurology board examination.

Stroke Journal Club: 2nd Thursday's of the month (1–1.5 hour duration)

This is conducted jointly with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center to provide diverse teaching on the most recent stroke literature. Numerous articles are discussed in an informal "literature update" format (as opposed to traditional powerpoint format) and the fellows are required to briefly present their articles (less than 5 minute update) to the UCSD and Cedar-Sinai faculty.

Multidisciplinary Neurovascular Conference: 4th Friday's of the month (1 hour duration)

Fellows facilitate discussions of interesting and important stroke cases that are seen and prepared by the neurology residents. These cases are more complex and involve the presence of stroke faculty and potentially various other medical specialties (endovascular neurosurgery, neuroradiology, rheumatology, etc.). Stroke and non-stroke faculty are present to provide education and input on patient management and systems of care.

StrokeNet Webinars: Self-directed webinars, attended on a monthly basis (1 hour duration)

Fellows will view formal lectures/didactics presented by renowned StrokeNet faculty across the nation. Topics range from professional development, clinical trial design, and up-to-date issues relevant to vascular neurology. Lectures are archived for viewing at a time that is convenient for the fellows.

Research Didactics

Weekly Research Didactics

Research Team Meetings: Every Thursday (30 minute duration)

  • Updates to ongoing national and local stroke clinical trials conducted within the UCSD Stroke Center are discussed alongside stroke faculty and staff.
  • Stroke fellows specifically learn about clinical trial regulations and will be critiqued on their approach to clinical trial enrollments.

Monthly Research Didactics

Research/Lab Meetings: 3rd Thursday's of the month (1–1.5 hour duration)

  • Fellows develop and present updates to their ongoing research projects of interest.
  • Stroke faculty provide constructive feedback to ensure that projects are progressing throughout the year.
  • Faculty also provide further ideas to develop new projects, based on fellow career goals and interests.

Stroke Center Meetings

Fellows with interests in stroke systems and stroke leadership roles are always welcome to attend meetings relating to stroke process of care. Fellows will also be kept abreast of any additional meetings that align with their career interests so that our fellows can engage in all facets of stroke care.

The following are a few of the meetings conducted throughout the year on a regular basis from which fellows can attend and provide input:

  • Monthly Stroke Committee Meeting (monthly)
  • Thrombectomy Process Review Meeting (monthly)
  • Veterans Administration (VA) Quality Council Meeting (quarterly)
  • San Diego County Stroke Consortium Meeting (quarterly)