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Department of Neurosciences Department of Neurosciences

CITRUS: Gholipour Lab for Epilepsy Imaging Research

Gholipour Lab for Epilepsy Imaging Research

Our lab is part of the UCSD Department of Neurosciences and the Center for Multimodal Imaging & Genetics (CMIG).

The lab is nicknamed CITRUS: Clinically-applicable Imaging and Translational Research for Understanding Seizures

We are dedicated to conducting patient-oriented research with the ultimate goal of better understanding epilepsy and seizure disorders. 

Our research involves epilepsy imaging focused on:

  • Resting state functional MRI (fMRI), with a focus on machine learning approaches to detect network alterations in epilepsy
  • Biomarkers of treatment response in epilepsy, including antiseizure medications, neurostimulation, and surgical techniques
  • Harnessing the power of multicenter and large datasets, including the ENIGMA-Epilepsy Consortium 
  • multimodal imaging using structural and functional MRI, as well as EEG, MEG, and FDG-PET data for better localization of the seizure focus 

Meet our team!