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Histology Images

Slide Scanning is an ideal method for imaging whole tissue sections. The Core has a Hamamatsu slide scanner for fluroescence and brightfield.

The Histology services offered by our Core do not include parrafin or OCT embedding, sectioning and staining. We only perform electron microscopy preparations for serial block face sectioning, clearing of tissues, and array tomography.

Samples of slide scanning images:

Mouse Brain GLv Nucleus after Bilateral CTb injections CLARITY Method GFP Mouse Hippocampus /  Rat Retina Layers, H&E Stain Brain Histology Collections / Pigeon Retina Ganglion Cells after CTb Brain Injection Zebrafinch Retinal Projections and Myelin / Sagittal Section of Mouse Brain


All publications generated utilizing our resources must cite our grant:

NINDS P30NS047101

If the Elyra 7 Lattice SIM Instrument was utilized, please cite our S10 grant:
