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Hnasko Lab Timeline

June 2024 Lucie Oriol defends PhD thesis!
May 2024 Lauren Faget publishes Nature Communications paper on how heterogeneous ventral pallidum cell types influence heterogeneous VTA cell types to shape approach and avoidance behaviors!
April 2024 NIH-NIDA renews R01 award to study heterogeneous VTA neurons in reward!
December 2023 Shelley Warlow publishes Neuron paper on mesoaccumbens glutamate neurons in reward and aversion!
August 2023 Lexe Linderhof joins lab as Research Associate joint with Hollon lab!
July 2023 Agata Szlaga joins lab from Jagiellonian University!
April 2023 Sarthak Singhal publishes Neuropharmacology paper on the effects of a neurotensin receptor 1 biased ligand on VTA dopamine neurons!
January 2023 Yen-Chu Andy Chen joins lab from University of California-Irvine
July 2022 John Hiedo joins as Research Associate!
July 2022 Pilot award from TRDRP to develop new approach for nicotine vapor self-administration in mice!
June 2022 Grace Kollman joins as Research Associate!
May 2022 Merit award to study mu opioid receptors in ventral pallidum from Veterans Affairs Office of Research & Development!
December 2021 Lizzie Souter publishes eNeuro paper on role for VGLUT1 expressing cholinergic neurons in medial habenula in nicotine self administration.
November 2021 Dina Dowlat joins as fifth lab manager!
November 2021 Nick Hollon joins lab from Salk Institue!
November 2021 Thomas Steinkellner publishes Brain paper on role for VGLUT2 in dopamine neuron death in Parkinson's disease!
October 2021 ASAP award to study dopamine neuron subtypes in Parkinson's Disease with team from Northwestern University!
September 2021 R21 to study Mu opioid receptors in medial habenula awarded from NIH-NIDA!
June 2021 Dr. Lotfi Hadjas joins lab from University of Geneva!
February 2021 Dr. Andrew Flores joins lab from University of Arizona!
January 2021 Thomas Steinkellner publishes on EM-compatible probe for vesicular glutamate transporter in ACS Chemical Neuroscience!
September 2020 Jon Heston publishes on role for subthalamic nucleus in cognitive interruption in eNeuro!
June 2020 Vivien Zell publishes on mesolimbic glutamate neurons driving dopamine-independent reward in Neuron!
March 2020 Cody Sargent defends Masters thesis!
February 2020 Dr. Sarthak Singhal joins lab from University of Florida!
January 2020 Sean Harvey rotates
October 2019 Dr. Lulu Fernández de Cossío Gómez joins lab from McGill University!
September 2019 Shelley Warlow awarded NRSA from NIH-NIMH!
August 2019 Thomas Steinkellner & Ji Hoon Yoo publish paper on VGLUT2-expressing cholinergic neurons in eNeuro!
July 2019 NIH-NIDA renews R01 to study non-dopamine VTA neurons in reward!
July 2019 Brain Initiative to make tagged vesicular transporters awarded from NIH-NIMH with Dr. Daniela Boassa!
June 2019 Lucie Oriol joins lab for Biomedical Sciences thesis!
June 2019 W. Scott Conrad joins as fourth lab manager!
March 2019 Vivien Zell awarded K99 from NIH-NIDA!
October 2018 Lucie Oriol rotates!
October 2018 R21 awarded from NIH-NIMH!
October 2018 Katherine Shen defends Masters thesis!
August 2018 Katie Fife defends PhD thesis!
August 2018 Thomas Steinkellner awarded K99 from NIH-NIA!
June 2018 Dr. Shelley Warlow joins lab from University of Michigan!
May 2018 mPI R01 awarded from NIH-NINDS with Dr. Adam Aron to study the role of subthalamic nucleus in stopping in mice and humans!
April 2018 Alex Jones rotates
February 2018 Lauren Faget & Vivien Zell publish Nature Communications paper on opposing roles for ventral pallidum glutamate and GABA neurons in reward!
January 2018 Thomas Steinkellner publishes Journal of Clinical Investigation paper on role for glutamate co-release from dopamine neurons in neurodegeneration!
January 2018 Merit award to study neurotensin receptor ligands and addiction from Veterans Affairs Office of Research & Development!
September 2017 M. Ali Shenasa defends Masters thesis!
July 2017 Ji Hoon Yoo & Vivien Zell publish Nature Communications paper on the role of VTA glutamate projection neurons in positive reinforcement!
December 2016 Dr. Jon Heston joins lab from UCLA!
December 2016 Ji Hoon Yoo publishes Journal of Neuroscience paper on the role of glutamate neurons in pedunculopontine nucleus in reward!
October 2016 Jon Heston awarded Bumpus Foundation fellowship!
June 2016 Lauren Faget publishes Cell Reports paper mapping inputs to VTA dopamine, GABA and glutamate neurons!
June 2016 Lizzie Souter joins as third lab manager!
June 2016 Adam McPherson awarded BioPsychiatry training grant!
February 2016 UC San Diego FISP award to Navarre Gutierrez-Reed!
February 2016 UC San Diego FISP award to Jane Duan!
December 2015 Dr. Adam McPherson joins Hnasko and Dulcis labs from University of Utah!
December 2015 Eric Wang rotates
November 2015 Gokhan Senturk rotates
September 2015 Katie Fife begins NSF GRFP!
August 2015 Julie Bailly graduates with Masters!
August 2015 Shannan McClain rotates
July 2015 Research grant awarded from TRDRP!
May 2015 Pilot award from UCSD/UCLA Diabetes Research Center to support collaborative studies with Dr. Serge Luquet on effects of circulating lipids on brain reward circuits!
April 2015 Bankole Aladesuyi rotates
January 2015 Norah Koblesky rotates
January 2015 Michael Baughn rotates
January 2015 Sarah Ur rotates
October 2014 Dr. Thomas Steinkellner joins lab from University of Vienna!
October 2014 Conall Sauvey rotates
September 2014 Vivien Zell awarded NIDA-INSERM fellowship!
September 2014 Lauren Faget receives Young Investigator Award from BRF to study role of ventral pallidum cell types in motivated behaviors!
September 2014 R21 awarded to study role of glutamate co-release in dopamine neuoron degeneration from NIH-NINDS!
August 2014 Dr. Vivien Zell joins lab from University of Strasbourg!
August 2014 Lab moves to Biomedical Research Facility 2
June 2014 Katie Fife joins lab for Neurosciences thesis!
April 2014 Navarre Gutierrez-Reed joins lab for Biomedical Sciences thesis!
February 2014 R01 awarded from NIH-NIDA to study role of glutamate neurons in reward!
January 2014 Katie Fife rotates
September 2013 Navarre Gutierrez-Reed rotates
July 2013 Ji Hoon Yoo awarded fellowship from TRDRP!
May 2013 Alex Johnson joins lab as second lab manager!
April 2013 Melissa Galinato rotates
January 2013 Dr. Lauren Faget joins lab from University of Strasbourg!
January 2013 Claire Geddes rotates
October 2012 Tom Hnasko publishes description of VTA glutamate neuron projections and physiological properties in Journal of Neuroscience!
July 2012 Dr. Ji Hoon Yoo joins lab from University of Surrey!
July 2012 Nick Mauricio joins lab as first lab manager!
March 2012 Hnasko arrives!