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Department of Neurosciences Department of Neurosciences

Physician Education

The UC San Diego Movement Disorder Center is very active in the healthcare community, bringing several CME accredited education events to local physicians and healthcare professionals each year.

Current Events

Faculty and Fellows as Clinician Educators (FACE) Course

Registration will open for 2024-25 participants in the upcoming academic year, TBA.

The FACE course is dedicated to improving the medical education and clinical teaching skills for early career faculty and subspecialty fellows at UC San Diego.

The mission of this course is to provide training, skills development, and mentoring for junior faculty and subspecialty fellows interested in pursuing a career as a clinician-educator. We also aim to create a community of practice for individuals who are passionate about medical education at UC San Diego.

More information ionlin at FACE Program.

Send inquiries and/or comments to Darcy Wooten and Erica Lin.

Past Events

NEUROCME© Movement Disorders Review 2023

June 17, 2023, Sheraton Mission Valley Hotel, San Diego

 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Endorsed by The International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

Symposium for Health Care Professionals

October 1, 2016, Roth Auditorium - Sanford Consortium

The UC San Diego Movement Disorder Center held their Health Professional Symposium "Approach to Patients with Movement Disorders" on October 1, 2016. Dr. Litvan, Dr. Nahab, Dr. Filoteo, Dr. Schiehser, Dr. Lessig, and Dr. Friedman presented a variety of topics related to movement disorders.

See Symposium flyer

Symposium for Health Care Professionals

October 3, 2015, Roth Auditorium - Sanford Consortium

The UC San Diego Movement Disorder Center held their Health Professional Symposium "Parkinson's Disease from Diagnosis to Treatment" on October 3, 2015. Dr. Litvan, Dr. Nahab, Dr. Barba, Dr. Song, Dr. Checkoway, Dr. Filoteo, Dr. Schiehser, Dr. Lessig, and Dr. Friedman presented a variety of topics related to movement disorders.

See Symposium flyer

Comprehensive Review of the Management of Essential Tremor

February 8, 2014, UC San Diego Skaggs Auditorium

The UC San Diego Movement Disorder Center held their first Essential Tremor conference for healthcare professionals on February 8, 2014. Associate Professor of Neurosciences and Director of the Movement Disorders Neuroimaging Program, Dr. Fatta Nahab, directed this CME conference.

See Essential Tremor Conference flyer

Parkinson's Disease - From Diagnosis to Treatment

October 26, 2013, UC San Diego Medical Education & Telemedicine Building

The Movement Disorder Center partnered with the Parkinson's Association of San Diego (PASD) for their second annual symposium for primary care physicians, pharmacists and healthcare professionals. Drs. Irene Litvan, J. Vincent Filoteo, Jennifer Friedman, Deborah Harrington, David Song, Stephanie Lessig, Christina Charriez, and David Barba presented a variety of topics related to Parkinson's disease diagnosis and treatment.

New Concepts in Parkinson's Disease: Clinical and Surgical Aspects

February 13, 2013, Estancia Hotel, La Jolla

Dr. Irene Litvan and Dr. David Barba held a reception and talk for healthcare professionals to present new concepts in Parkinson's disease. Dr. Litvan spoke on "Clinical aspects: Are we ready for a paradigm shift?" and Dr. Barba presented "Surgical aspects: Evolving concept of DBS surgery."

Shaking out the Subtleties of Parkinson's

October 27, 2012, UC San Diego Medical Education & Telemedicine Building

The Movement Disorder Center partnered with the Parkinson's Association of San Diego (PASD) to put on a symposium for primary care physicians, pharmacists and healthcare professionals. Dr. Irene Litvan, Dr. David Barba and Dr. Stephanie Lessig were among the presenters for this educational program.

Parkinson's Disease Symposium for Healthcare Professionals

June 9, 2012, UC San Diego Skaggs Auditorium

The UC San Diego Movement Disorder Center held their first Parkinson's disease symposium for healthcare professionals on June 9, 2012. UC San Diego physicians and researchers spoke on a variety of topics that pertain to Parkinson's disease from management of the disease to current research findings.