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Department of Neurosciences Department of Neurosciences

Community Outreach

movement disorders center members

When patients are first diagnosed with Parkinson's disease (PD) or another movement disorder, clinicians often explain that the disease presents itself differently in different people. This is true. However, there are also commonalities.

We do not know exactly how the disease will change, but we can provide tools and support — whether a person is recently diagnosed, is learning to live with the disease, or has been living with the disease for years.

Whether they're trying to arrange care services, navigate relationship issues, or address a host of other psycho-social challenges, members of the Parkinson's disease community need ongoing support to deal with a complex disease.

Beyond Clinical Offerings

In the same way that we've coordinated resources across the research ecosystem for study and innovation that lead to early detection and healing, we are developing a menu of support services beyond clinical offerings.

Our center is extending a hand of support throughout the care journey with the following offerings: