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Events & Updates

New Microscopy Core Resources

 Zeiss Elyra 7 with Lattice SIM

  • Resolve structures down to 60 nm.
  • Observe live cell dynamics at up to 255 fps.
  • Accelerate image acquisition in all three dimensions.
  • Get the sharpest sectioning in wide-field microscopy.
  • Utilize a wealth of imaging techniques on one platform.

Contact us today for a free demonstration:

Elyra 7 SIM resolution

Olympus VS200 Slide Scanner

The sliding scanning system is superior in fluorescence and brightfield capabilities

Leica Center of Excellence

The UC San Diego School of Medicine Microscopy Core is now a Leica Center of Excellence! We have three Leica systems that are supported by Leica:


If you would like to benefit from our center's collaboration with Leica, you can do so in the following ways:

Write a White Paper!

White papers are short descriptions of your research application. Descriptions include use of our Leica systems along with a beautiful image.

Write a Techical Note!

Technical notes consist of more indepth description of methods used or developed on the Leica platform.

Both white papers and technical notes are a great way for you to increase the impact of your publication! Readers will naturally visit your publication after reading your Leica collaboration and potentially cite your paper.

Give a Webinar!

Leica can promote your lab and your research through hosting your talk to the world! 

Be a guest speaker at a local conference!

Leica can host you to be a guest speaker at one of the many local conferences held in San Diego.

If you are interested in any of these options or would like more information, please email us for details.


Leica Representative Onsite

A Leica representative can come onsite for assistance as requested

Core staff are available during business hours to answer any questions regarding all core resources and techniques

Webinars, Seminars and Demonstrations

For a limited time:

Free introduction to the Leica Stellaris 5 Confocal system for current Leica SP8 users only. To schedule your free demonstration please visit the Doodle Calendar

Beyond Intensity: Harnessing Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy in Cell Biology

Lifetime Imaging in an Instant with Leica SP8 FALCON

Harness the power of fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) to investigate cellular physiology and explore dynamics in living cells. SP8 FALCON is the first truly integrated solution for FLIM and delivers benchmark results at least 10x faster than conventional systems. Add a new dimension of contrast to your imaging, opening the door to biosensing and tracking of interactions between proteins.

Seminar: Wednesday, September 18, 2024 | 12:30-1:30PM
UCSD Center for Neural Circuits and Behavior, Marilyn G. Farquhar CNCB Large Conference Room
Presented by: Julius Bogomolovas, Assistant Project Scientist - UCSD

RSVP required

Lunch will be provided based on RSVP responses



All publications generated utilizing our resources must cite our grant:

NINDS P30NS047101

If the Elyra 7 Lattice SIM Instrument was utilized, please cite our S10 grant:
