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Microscopy Core Rates


Microscopy & Histology Rates

All labs and companies must properly cite our grant: NINDS P30 NS047101.

You must be affiliated with an established laboratory or For-profit corporation for access to our resources. No residential addresses will be accepted as a laboratory. No personal checks are acceptable for payment. You must provide a current approved BUA and/or animal protocol. 

If you wish to do any live cell imaging in the core, you must have approval by submitting a BUA authorization form to core staff along with a copy of your BUA report listing the proposed research material.

Microscopy - Business Hours

Business Hours:
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monday – Friday

Rates: All prices are per hour unless otherwise specified. 

Training Fees: A training fee is charged for each instrument. Training fees include all on demand follow up Technical Assistance during business hours. There is no training charge for software or the Olympus MVX10 MacroView system.

Microscope Resource

(Business Hours)

UC San Diego Users  Corporate/
Non-UC San Diego /




Gatan 3View Serial Block Face Secitoning EM





Technical charges for Gatan

flat rate


flat rate

flat rate

Confocal Microscopes 





Zeiss Elyra 7 Lattice SIM $36 $72 $56.70 $26
Zeiss Z.1 Light Sheet Microscope $36 $72 $56.70 $26
DeltaVision Deconvolution Microscope





Slide Scanners






Keyence Widefield Microscope





Olympus MVX10 MacroView Stereoscope





Computer Software





Technical Assistance





Instrument Training

flat rate


flat rate

flat rate

Slide Scanner or Keyence Training
flat rate
$220 $173.25
flat rate
flat rate

 Overhead: All Non-UC San Diego Users are charged an overhead for any and all services, reflected in posted prices

  • Core Members: Core Grant Members are Center for Network Medicine Members
  • OMX System: Core Grant Members for the OMX system are those who participated in our Stimulus Grant. This discount applies only to the OMX system.

Microscopy - After Hours and Weekends

After Hours (5:00 p.m. – 9:00 a.m.,  Monday – Friday) & Weekends:

  • Members, UCSD Users and Academic Non-UCSD Users: 45% discount after hours
  • Corporate / For-Profit: 25% discount after hours

Exception: No after hours special pricing for Software and Gatan 3View system.


Histology services include CLARITY tissue processing, sample prep for serial block face sectioning and array tomography.

Histology Resource UC San Diego Users Corporate/
Non-UC San Diego/
CLARITY - 1 Tissue





CLARITY - Each Additional Tissue





Serial Block Face Embed/Stain

$700 $1400 $1102.50 $700

Histology Hourly Charge






All publications generated utilizing our resources must cite our grant:

NINDS P30NS047101

If the Elyra 7 Lattice SIM Instrument was utilized, please cite our S10 grant:
