Contact Us
Managing Director
Jennifer Santini
Cellular and Molecular Medicine East (CMME) B006
(Main contact for all core business)
Jennifer Santini has over 20 years of experience in cellular imaging and analysis for both light and electron microscopy. She is well versed in a vast range of research disciplines and has served as the managing director of the UCSD School of Medicine Microscopy Core since 2007. Services of the core include providing free consultations and demonstrations on all resources as well as training and support. Please contact Jennifer via email for assistance, access and resource information.
Imaging Specialist and Histologist
Marcy Erb, Ph.D.
Cellular and Molecular Medicine East (CMME) B005
Marcy Erb has extensive experience in microbiology, microscopy and histology, and has been an asset to the microscopy core since 2017. She can address or direct all resource questions and is the contact for all histology requests.
Faculty Director
Binhai Zheng, Ph.D., Professor, Neurosciences
Dr. Zheng constantly seeks faculty input from both within and outside of the faculty oversight committee to better direct the Core to meet the changing needs of our faculty’s research programs. Please feel free to contact him by email or phone.
Student Employees
Fionny Darmawan
Complete our online survey.
Other UC San Diego Core Facility Contacts
School of Medicine Electron Microscopy Core Facility
Tissue Technology Shared Resource (formerly known as Histology and Immunohistochemistry Core)
All publications generated utilizing our resources must cite our grant:
NINDS P30NS047101
If the Elyra 7 Lattice SIM Instrument was utilized, please cite our S10 grant: